Legal Education Sessions

It's stressful not knowing what to expect once you file for divorce or legal separation. In response, Squires Mediation offers a stand-alone, 2-hour legal education session for divorcing or separating couples. This session is perfect for couples who have resolved or expect to resolve all divorce/separation related issues on their own, but want to ensure they can successfully navigate their case through the Court system and know what to expect along the way.

During the session, Ellen will go over the following:

- The initiating documents to start a divorce case and how to file them with the Court

- What to expect once you file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage or Legal Separation

- The difference between a dissolution of marriage and a legal separation case and why some couples opt for the later

- How to access Court forms and Colorado statutes relevant to your case

- The mandatory financial disclosure process and accompanying documents each party is expected to complete and file with the Court

- The Case Management Order

- The mandatory parenting class

- What to expect at your Initial Status Conference with the Court

- The law in areas relevant to divorce and legal separation including how child support and maintenance are calculated, the difference between separate and marital property, and the standard the Court uses when determining parental decision making and parenting time.

- Issues that need to be addressed to ensure you are filing a comprehensive Separation Agreement and Parenting Plan

- Preparing for your uncontested Permanent Orders hearing with the Court

- What documents you need to file along with your Separation Agreement and Parenting Plan

- How you can receive informal legal assistance from a qualified family law attorney at a fraction of the cost (Unbundled Legal Representation)

All couples will receive a three-ring binder each during their legal education session that contains:

- The initiating documents to start a divorce or legal separation action with the Court

- The mandatory financial disclosure documents

- A comprehensive list of issues to consider when drafting your Separation Agreement and Parenting Plan

- Sample parenting plans

- Blank regular and holiday parenting time calendars

- Articles about talking to your children about divorce and much more.

Ellen can also provide referrals for divorce related child therapy, parenting coordinators and decision makers, mortgage specialists, QDRO drafting specialists, appraisers and experienced family law professionals who offer Unbundled Legal Services.